Areas of Law
We cover a wide range of legal fields, with specialists in Corporate Law, Wills and Estates and Real Estate. We've compiled some helpful information in the pages below, but remember that the law is constantly changing and evolving. Please contact us for more information.
Arbitration / Mediation / Dispute Resolution
FAQs – Collaborative Law
Parenting Plan
Business / Corporate / Partnerships / Proprietorships / Society and Non-profits
Commercial Transactions
Societies / Non-profits
Terminology – Business Law
Commissioner for Oaths / Notary Public / Personal Guarantees / Independent Legal Advice
Commissioner for Oaths
Notary Public
Do you really need a Notary? And do you just need a Notary, or is there more legal advice required?
What to bring for your Notary / Commissioner appointment
Personal Guarantees
Independent Legal Advice
Adult Guardianship / Trusteeship – Represented Adult
Estate Administration and Probate
Personal Directives (also called Living Wills in other jurisdictions)
Is a Personal Directive Necessary?
Terminology – Personal Directives
Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPOA)
Is an Enduring Power of Attorney necessary?
Terminology – Powers of Attorney
Wills and Codicils